Places to Co-exist

Eva Serrats

For a congress on sustainable collective housing, being a concept that has been formed through adjectival aggregation and us being a team that works from a project-based standpoint, we propose our contribution be describing specific cases: projects that have led us to consider what today’s spaces for collective life could be like. First of all,… Read more »

Interview with Francesc Pla and Daniel Cid on the Hoteless project

Leve Projects

Who are you? Could you tell me a bit about your past to put the project in context? We’re a combined team that approaches projects from the standpoint of architecture and from the so-called social sciences. In my case (Francesc Pla), I come to this adventure as an architect and an educator. Daniel and I… Read more »

Sobre el Laboratorio de vivienda colectiva

Francesc Pla

Veo muchas cosas extraordinarias en este TAP ¹ que, como sabéis, conozco en profundidad desde la última edición. Una de las cosas que lo hace tan dinámico y atractivo es que se va reinventando a cada paso.   De entre algunas de las cosas que destacan es vuestro interés en proyectar formas alternativas de vivienda. Interés… Read more »

Conference on Cooperative Architecture

Eva Serrats

agenFaced with the growing desire of some citizens to take part in the processes transforming the city, the Catalan Association of Architects, through the Plan Impulsa “Programme for Improving Competitiveness”, hosted a Conference on the active role of architects in participatory processes and the tools needed to make real participation possible, suitable and useful.  … Read more »