What is Architecture?

“What is Architecture?” aims to bring architecture closer to children, awakening their curiosity about their spatial, tectonic and urban environment. Architecture as a language can be useful in our formative years, when language is a tool to relate to the world and later, a gateway to abstraction.

The project revolves around videos where several architects answer the question “What is Architecture?”. The first videos are geared towards kids from 5 to 8 years old. This is the age when they begin to use language as a tool to relate to the world and, later on, to access abstraction. The architects had to make a special effort to communicate with their audience of children. Their concept of architecture is the essence of their proposals.

The teaching workshops are designed to facilitate contact between the project and the children. With the collaboration of our educational advisers, we are developing mechanisms to make the project an accessible, useful tool for schools.

The one-off events are experimental manifestations of the project that arise through contact or a relationship with institutions, organisations or just because. Each event is an excuse to create a unique experience for children with architecture.

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Start Date 2008
End Date Under way
Title What is Architecture?
Mission Project
Typology Event
Location Different Locations"
Developer What is Architecture?
Coordinator Jorge Raedó, Eva Serrats
Collaborators Barcelona School of Architecture, Isabel de Villena School.

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