Primary care architecture: primary care for the people

Jordi Pascual

Being rooted in a neighbourhood and not sacrificing proximity means that citizens come to the architecture office to ask about their small concerns and discover what an architect can do for them. The workspace then becomes a place where people come and go with questions that may end up leading to a new commission or… Read more »

DRESS REHEARSAL: Design as an urban test

Jordi Pascual

  Although in the collective imagination design is associated with aesthetics, architecture, fine art, etc., any action or object is designed to fit the function it is intended to have. When it comes to a large-scale event, design must take into account aspects that vary widely, from mobility to the relationship between the encounter and… Read more »

An interior space that is a street

Jordi Pascual

Carrer del Carme, in Barcelona’s Raval district, is much more than meets the eye when walking by. On the first floor of number 94, the street invades the building. At least that was the goal of the Arrels Foundation when they decided to promote the Zero Flat, a space for homeless people who are reticent… Read more »

Dodging two train lines on foot

Jordi Pascual

Among other particularities, Sant Cugat has two rail lines that run side by side, without connecting, around a top-notch healthcare facility (Hospital General de Catalunya) and an expansion of the city with retail and office spaces (Can Ametller). These two rail lines divide the two sides. The great challenge for the Sant Cugat City Council… Read more »

An open-air archaeological museum

Jordi Pascual

The challenge of making an archaeological dig into a museum lies in adapting to the reality of the landscape without making it more difficult to properly see the ruins the visitors have come for. Leve Projects was commissioned to curate a castro, a pre-Roman fortified settlement that is common in Galicia, and to create a… Read more »

An exhibition designed for locals

Jordi Pascual

Menorca has been a Biosphere Reserve for two decades, but now the government has decided to promote this concept, understanding that it not only addresses natural values but also requires the involvement of all the stakeholders in the territory. Leve Projects was commissioned to prepare a travelling exhibition targeting Menorca residents, for which we opted… Read more »

Designing a Sustainable Meal Test

Jordi Pascual

What would it take to make a meal totally sustainable? How many players? Where would you get the food? How would it be coordinated? Transported? What if the meal aims to feed 900 people? In a world where consumption is subject to a logic that escapes end-consumers, breaking with the general dynamics to make a… Read more »

A great holiday from the vision of suburbia

Jordi Pascual

Historically, Barcelona has looked inside itself and relegated the Besòs River to a role as its backyard, the periphery that would welcome ring roads, working-class neighbourhoods and immigration. Nevertheless, near the river, diverse cities have popped up with their own personality, moulded, in large part, by the intangible border that the Catalan capital created over… Read more »

How to protect pedestrians on the AP7 motorway

Jordi Pascual

  The commitment to making pedestrians and cyclists a priority may seem like a lost cause in places where cars have become the undisputed star. Motorways and major roads connecting continental and intercontinental through-ways seem, at first sight, to be a totally hostile place for pedestrians. However, the growth of cities forces them to tackle… Read more »